beauty blog, Beauty tips, Makeup Tips WPI Beauty Agency beauty blog, Beauty tips, Makeup Tips WPI Beauty Agency

4 Makeup Tips for Mature Women

Just because you are aging doesn’t mean that you can’t look beautiful anymore! Yes! Still, there’s a lot of chances to look pretty enough even if you are having strands of grey hair on your head or unattractive marks and wrinkles on your face. You just need to remember that the makeup rules which you lived by in your 20s or 30s don’t apply anymore. Instead, plump up your skin with these exclusive makeup tips!! Read on and enlighten yourself with these magic tricks.

Makeup Tips for Mature Women

Just because you are aging doesn’t mean that you can’t look beautiful anymore! Yes! Still, there’s a lot of chances to look pretty enough even if you are having strands of grey hair on your head or unattractive marks and wrinkles on your face. You just need to remember that the makeup rules which you lived by in your 20s or 30s don’t apply anymore. Instead, plump up your skin with these exclusive makeup tips!! Read on and enlighten yourself with these magic tricks.

Conceal your Fine Lines

When it comes to hiding your fine lines and wrinkles while you are aging, there is not a lotion or potion can make that happen. But, if you apply moisturizer before applying foundation and concealer then it will boost up your skin while making those fine lines disappear.

Moisturizing before applying your foundation can even help the process of apply evenly. Just ensure that you are using a premium quality moisturizer. You can buy such high-end products at an affordable rate while grabbing lucrative Beauty Brand coupons.  

4 Makeup tips for Older women

Secretly Plump your Lips

It might seem to you that your lips are getting thinner as you grow older. If you want to accentuate them, using a lip gloss may be the best thing that you can do. Nothing can work better than this actually!

You just have to add a little color first while filling in your lips with a lip liner or lipstick which should be a shade or two darker than the natural lip color that you want to use. Finally, once you are done, dab a bit of gloss on the top. Voila! You got an instant lip plumper. 

Use Eye Pencils Rather than Eyeliners

Eye pencils are far more soft than eyeliners. So, opt for it instead of a liner which could be harsh on your aging eyes. If you want to soften the lines even more then don’t forget to smudge it with your fingers. Moreover, if you have smaller eyes then don’t line the inside of the eye. It will make your eyes appear even smaller.

If you’re over 50, these makeup tips certainly can help spruce up your look naturally.
— Arina

Definitely, go for Primer

As one ages, you can expect that your skin will eventually suffer from one or another of skin conditions. Along with you, your skin is aging, so, primer becomes something very significant for you before you do your makeup. If you apply a layer of primer before your makeup and your skin then it will let your eyeshadow, foundation, mascara and everything else flawlessly flaunt itself.

Moreover, if you use shadows then I recommend using primers for your eyes. Also, if you are going to apply foundation then opting for a primer before that seems to be an obvious step.

End of the Line

If you're over 50, these makeup tips certainly can help spruce up your look naturally. Stand up straight, do your makeup with confidene, and look as stunning as you did on your sweet sixteen!

About the Author

Arina is the marketing manager at, deals and discounts provider company. She is passionate about fashion, make-up, beauty treatment and lifestyle. In addition, Arina also supports non-profit agencies that provide healthcare solutions to handicapped and disabled people. Arina is a contributor to the WarPaint International Beauty Blog.

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beauty blog, Interviews, Self Confidence WPI Beauty Agency beauty blog, Interviews, Self Confidence WPI Beauty Agency

Project Runway's Samantha Rei On Being A Girl Boss

Minnesota has only produced a handful of Project Runway contestants, three to be exact. The Land of Lakes hasn't seen a designer on the reality show since Christopher Straub -- seven seasons ago. Samantha Rei is here to change that, the designer has been active in the Twin Cities fashion scene for almost two decades

An interview with Samantha Rei

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Minnesota has only produced a handful of Project Runway contestants, three to be exact. The Land of Lakes hasn't seen a designer on the reality show since Christopher Straub -- seven seasons ago. Samantha Rei is here to change that, the designer has been active in the Twin Cities fashion scene for almost two decades. Since graduating from Perpich Center for Arts Education, Samantha Rei became a catalyst for Lolita style in the US, directed fashion shows and competed on the hit design show, Project Runway.

Since appearing on the show, Samantha Rei has been getting her girl boss on by focusing on collaborations and and working on her new collection. It's amazing to think she almost didn't audition, we're glad she was nudged to give it one more go. 

Interview - the personal stuff

Q: I read that fellow Minnesotan and Project Runway alum Christopher Straub urged you to audition one last time for the show. What did he say that convinced you to give it one more try? 

Samantha Rei: He honestly urged me to do it every year, but this time was different because I had decided I wasn't going to. An amount of hair that made me self-conscious had broken off, and I wasn't feeling confident. He said, "Well slap on a hairpiece and make a video, because they've extended the deadline!" The next day I made a video and the rest is history. Also, I just wore my hair as is, in case you were wondering.

Well slap on a hairpiece and make a video, because they’ve extended the deadline!
— Christopher Straub

Q: In a GOMN article published in late September, it says you were one of the first Lolita designers in America. At the time, did you realize that? How did you get to the point of paving your own way? 

Samantha Rei: All I knew was there were no stores in Japan willing to ship out of the country and I couldn't find what I wanted. I assumed it was hard to find, but I didn't realize until a few years later that it was myself and two others here in the US. Each season I just tried new things, tried to innovate and hone my skills. I encouraged other designers to do the same and grew the community the best way I could.

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Q: Besides Lolita style, are there other aspects of Japanese popular culture you enjoy? 

Samantha Rei: I like style tribes, the idea that people get together to like the same things and dress the same way. I like anime and manga (before discovering fashion, growing up I wanted to be a comic artist; I actually have another project in the works with manga-ka, Tomoko Taniguchi, which I'm excited about. I've worked with her before, but this is even more exciting). I used to love J-pop and Visual Kei when I was younger.

Q: What challenges have you had to overcome as a designer in today's overly digitalized and social media-driven society? How did you face them? 

Samantha Rei: I'd say fast fashion has been detrimental. People want instant gratification, low prices and constant stimulation. I find I'm spending about as much time promoting myself on multiple platforms as I am creating. When I got started I really only promoted on my personal website and Livejournal. I also handed out flyers at local businesses. I'm glad the world is starting to get reacquainted with slow fashion. It's a breath of fresh air. 

Q: In past interviews, you tell the story about being in a dressing room crying because the [fashion] industry didn't provide pieces you wanted/needed. Did you ever feel like you had to change in order to fit into the standards set by the industry? 

Samantha Rei: Absolutely. Growing up, I physically matured a lot faster than the other girls and I already looked different, growing up in a predominately white town. I was told repeatedly that I was fat, boys didn't like me, I was bullied pretty hard so I didn't like myself much. As an adult I started to actually put on weight (I was very thin as a teen), and I felt like I was always in a state of trying to start a diet. It's weird, I did actually make a drastic life change around the time I turned 32 and over the next 2 years, lost 70 lbs.

I realized I liked myself more, not because I had gotten thinner, but because I was strong for the first time in almost two decades. I have since put on 25 lbs of the weight I lost, but the main thing I miss is my strength. I am confident in my skills shopping for and making clothes for myself. It took a really long time to get here, but I realize if I'm going to teach the next generation how to love themselves, I have to love myself. And I think I finally do.

Q: Young people often have a hard time feeling comfortable in their own skin and being their own person. Do you have any words of advice for those struggling? 

Samantha Rei: Learn about yourself. Learn why you are self-conscious about XYZ. Is it because of what others are saying? I have learned it's usually because of outside elements. People knocking others down because THEY don't like themselves. Start with one thing you like about yourself. Then peel back the layers until you realize that every part of you is okay. That it's okay to like yourself.

The WarPaint international Foundation: Artisans Unite

Artisans Unite

Help young people with self-confidence and inner beauty. 

Q: Is there a certain piece of clothing or accessory you feel most confident in? If so, what is it? 

Samantha Rei: I really like the harnesses my design bestie Apatico makes for me. I also have a very favorite pair of boots. They are black and white steel toed boots from John Fluevog that make me feel like I can take on the world.

Q: You are a designer, author, trendsetter, business owner and now TV personality, how do you balance these different titles? 

Samantha Rei: Honestly, I'm not happy unless I'm doing 5 million things. I try my best to keep a lot of lists, I take help when it's offered and I stay optimistic. I'm grateful that I have an amazing support system. I'm always looking for the next big thing to try!

Q: How do you go about forming business relationships and collaborating with other brands? Any tips for future girl bosses? 

Samantha Rei: I don't fake it. I try to be as genuine as I can. I create relationships instead of "how can I use them"-ships. I feel like that's really why people trust me and like working with me. I think about how the relationship will be mutually beneficial. The biggest tip I would give is to be real and try your absolute best to offer your best in any situation.

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Q: Before transferring to Perpich Center for Arts Education, you didn't have the best experience at your previous high school. What did you do to cope with being in that negative environment? 

Samantha Rei: I spent a lot of time in Minneapolis with my brother and best friend. I made a lot of art and read of a lot of books.

Q: What about your experience at Perpich helped shape you as an adult? 

Samantha Rei: It taught me that if I surround myself with positive people who are genuine and passionate about making good things, I can fit in anywhere. I learned that trying to fit into a place that would not accept me for me, was not worth it. I find myself sort of falling into that a bit as an adult and I always have to remind myself that there's no point in forcing relationships with people who are users.

Q: The theme for this season of Project Runway was to break out of the conventional modeling mold and to cater to all body types. Do you think you were at an advantage because of this? 

So many women think there’s something wrong with the body they have. 
— Samantha Rei

Samantha Rei: As far as my fit goes, absolutely. I was never afraid of making something I knew would fit. Even on the challenge where I was cut I was able to show how well I can tailor a garment to fit a client. One thing a lot of people don't realize, too, is being thin doesn't automatically get a person modeling work. If the proportions aren't "right" they might not get work. One of the girls even said that she had a hard time getting booked for a while because she had a booty. And she was thin! This is why so many women think there's something wrong with the body they have. 

Q: Any advice for young people just starting out in a creative industry such as fashion?  

Samantha Rei: Practice all the time and never stop learning. Strive to be better than you were yesterday. If you feel like you've learned it all, you're doing it wrong. And above all else, have fun! Creativity comes from many places, some bad, some good, but they are all transformative and you will grow from every experience.

Visit Samantha Rei's Website

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Image courtesy of A & E Networks

Debbie Aderinkomi. Blogger/Writer

Debbie Aderinkomi

Meet the Author


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Opera Carolina Rocked New York Fashion Week

Opera Recycles presented by Opera Carolina showed their eco-friendly fashion collection during Couture Fashion Week New York‘s 26th season on Saturday, September 9, 2017, at the Crowne Plaza in Times Square with WarPaint International Beauty Agency.

Opera Carolina & WarPaint International Rocked Couture Fashion Week in NYC

Opera Recycles presented by Opera Carolina showed their eco-friendly fashion collection during Couture Fashion Week New York‘s 26th season on Saturday, September 9, 2017, at the Crowne Plaza in Times Square.

Opera Carolina Rocked Couture Fashion Week in NYC including a Times Square Takeover.

The launch pad for New York Fashion Week could not have been better positioned. This year, Opera Carolina created their own show at the New York Couture Fashion Week, giving sustainable fashion enthusiasts an opportunity to see the stunning creations from the Opera Recycles initiative up close and in person. This show gave Opera Carolina an amazing opportunity to showcase Opera Recycles and their commitment to environmental conservation on a national scale. It also gave WarPaint International Creative Director, Jessica Mae an opportunity to showcase a talent often buried behind her core function of executive leadership and bridal application. And showcase she did...

Opera Carolina and WarPaint International Beauty Agency team up to deliver bold, striking looks to compliment opera-based recycle-design sustainable dresses.

Fashion Week Dream Team

Opera Carolina Marketing Director, Megan Miller, teamed up with Jessica Mae, Founder of WarPaint International Beauty Agency from Minneapolis, MN to design high-power makeup and hair concepts. Jessica brings 12 years of experience in her field with creative makeup design and production in the beauty industry. Her company, WarPaint International, is a Midwest Minnesota beauty agency founded in 2010 and based in Minneapolis.

I was humbled and ecstatic to be invitied to curate the beauty behind Opera Carolina’s Couture Fashion Week runway show.
— Jessica Mae, WarPaint International Founder & Creative Director

WarPaint International produces spring and fall trend development for various looks that everyday women can speak to and wear with confidence. This core focus has been the artistic direction for the company since its inception which speaks to the message of sustainability being driven by Opera Recycles. Jessica Mae was accompanied by WarPaint International’s Director of Education, Katie Rote to help design and curate the hair and makeup looks for Opera Carolina’s entire runway collection, alongside WarPaint Minneapolis Market Manager & Artisan, Mariah Jere and members of the WarPaint International Manhattan team.

The recycled dress designs. The opera inspired looks.

Designers showing their looks included Kristen Alyce, Lyndsee Hairston, Malou Tabada Cordery, Emily Kramer, Venie Tadeo, Sarah Danee and Rocio Llusca.  Hair and makeup curated and styled by yours truly - WarPaint International Beauty Agency.


Pagliacci is an Italian opera in a prologue and two acts, with music and libretto by Ruggero Leoncavallo. It is the only Leoncavallo opera that is still widely performed. This look was specifically curated to create the feel and emotion of the proverbial tragic clown. 

Model: Hannah Duke | Photography: Geometria


Rigoletto is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi. The Italian libretto was written by Francesco Maria Piave based on the play Le roi s'amuse by Victor Hugo. Despite serious initial problems with the Austrian censors who had control over northern Italian theaters at the time, the opera had a triumphant premiere at La Fenice in Venice on 11 March 1851.

Model: Madison Hicks | Photography: Benjamin Huynh (left) & Geometria

La Traviata 

La Traviata, (The Fallen Woman) is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi set to an Italian libretto by Francesco Maria Piave. It is based on La Dame aux Camélias (1852), a play adapted from the novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils. The opera was originally titled Violetta, after the main character. It was first performed on 6 March 1853 at the La Fenice opera house in Venice.

Model: Lulu Ambrose | Photography: Geometria

I Dream

I DREAM is a largely through-sung musical drama – sometimes referred to as a “Rhythm & Blues Opera” – based on the life of a preacher from Atlanta. The full production features a cast of up to 25 actors and a 15-piece orchestra playing a dynamic fusion of musical forms – from the operatic, to gospel, blues, and jazz to contemporary – evoking the epic scale of a man’s life story, as well as the deeply moving episodes along the way.

Model: Allegra Paris | Photography: Geometria

Girl of the West

La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the West) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Guelfo Civinini and Carlo Zangarini, based on the play The Girl of the Golden West by the American author David Belasco. Fanciulla followed Madama Butterfly, which was also based on a Belasco play. The opera has fewer of the show-stopping highlights that are characteristic of other Puccini works but is admired for its impressive orchestration and for a score that is more melodically integrated than is typical of his previous work.

Model: Sarah Umphlett | Photograpy: Geometria

Indian Princess

This dress was also inspired by "The Girl of the West"

Model: Kenzie Malz | Photography: Geometria

The Barber of Seville

The Barber of Seville, (or The Useless Precaution) is an opera buffa in two acts by Gioachino Rossini with an Italian libretto by Cesare Sterbini. The libretto was based on Pierre Beaumarchais's French comedy Le Barbier de Séville (1775). The première of Rossini's opera (under the title Almaviva, o sia L'inutile precauzione) took place on 20 February 1816 at the Teatro Argentina, Rome. Even after two hundred years, it remains one of the greatest masterpieces of comedy within music.

Model: Lindsay Keuhl | Photography: Geometria

Madama Butterfly

Madama Butterfly is an opera in three acts (originally two) by Giacomo Puccini, with an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It is based on the short story "Madame Butterfly" (1898) by John Luther Long, which in turn was based on stories told to Long by his sister Jennie Correll and on the semi-autobiographical 1887 French novel Madame Chrysanthème by Pierre Loti.

Model: Julia Cornwell | Photography: Benjamin Huynh


Cyrano is an opera in four acts composed by Walter Damrosch to an English language libretto by William James Henderson based on Edmond Rostand's play, Cyrano de Bergerac. It premiered at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City on February 27, 1913, with Pasquale Amato in the title role and Frances Alda as Roxane.

Model: Chandra Larson | Photography: Geometria

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers.

Model: Alexis Sherrill| Photography: Geometria


Rusalka is an opera ('lyric fairy tale') by Antonín Dvořák. The Czech libretto was written by the poet Jaroslav Kvapil (1868–1950) based on the fairy tales of Karel Jaromír Erben and Božena Němcová. A Rusalka is a water sprite from Slavic mythology, usually inhabiting a lake or river. Rusalka is one of the most successful Czech operas, and represents a cornerstone of the repertoire of Czech opera houses.

Model: Alyson Cordery | Photography: Geometria

The Marriage of Figaro

The Marriage of Figaro (Italian: Le nozze di Figaro) is an opera buffa (comic opera) in four acts composed in 1786 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with an Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte. It premiered at the Burgtheater in Vienna on 1 May 1786. The opera's libretto is based on a stage comedy by Pierre Beaumarchais, La folle journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro ("The Mad Day, or The Marriage of Figaro"), which was first performed in 1784. It tells how the servants Figaro and Susanna succeed in getting married, foiling the efforts of their philandering employer Count Almaviva to seduce Susanna and teaching him a lesson in fidelity.

Model: McKenna Koch | Photography: Geometria

2015-16 Season Dress (First Opera Recycles Dress)

Model: Jaci Stofferahn-Ruesink | Photography: Geometria

2017 - 2018 Dress

These dresses were created from leftover marketing materials from the 2017 - 2018 season at Opera Carolina

Models: Elixis Ross | Photography: Geometria

The Times Square Takeover

Credits & Thank You's

Some really special people came together to make this runway show happen. First and foremost, THANK YOU to Katie Rote for interviewing all of the models with me and designing each look to specifically speak to the opera and gown that each model wore. Thank you to Mariah Jere, our Minneapolis Market Manager who is an absolute warrior in the trenches. Despite the fact that she manage a team of almost 50 Artisans in Minneapolis and over 150 wedding parties, she managed to get to NYC for two days and join this group of rock stars. 

Thank you to the NYC Artisans listed below who dedicated this day to perfecting the looks that we sculpted from concepts in the sky. And a BIG thanks to Mariah's partner Chris who captured the below image and many more behind the scenes that hit our social media on the day of the show. 

The Couture Fashion Week NYC TeamFrom left to right: NYC Artisan Stefanie, NYC Artisan Fay, NYC Artisan Gabby, MPLS Artisan Mariah, WPI Founder Jessica Mae, WPI Director of Education Katie Rote, NYC Artisan Danielle.

The Couture Fashion Week NYC Team
From left to right: NYC Artisan Stefanie, NYC Artisan Fay, NYC Artisan Gabby, MPLS Artisan Mariah, WPI Founder Jessica Mae, WPI Director of Education Katie Rote, NYC Artisan Danielle.

The Designers

None of this is possible without the uber-talented minds behind the designing of the dresses. Here are the Designers

The Models

Could we be anything without the models? Its one thing to design a look and a dress. It's another thing to have the model wearing them own it like they were born with it. Thank you to these young women for allowing us to help them "Prepare For Battle". 

Jaci Stofferahn-Ruesink • Allegra Paris • Sarah Umphlett • Chandra Larson • Lindsey Kuehl • Madison Hicks • Kenzie Malz • Hannah Duke • Alexis Sherrill • McKenna Koch • Lulu Ambrose • Elexis Ross • Alyson Cordery • David Wilkins • Julia Cornwell


Live on CBS Local/WCCO

The Journey from North Carolina to Minneapolis to New York City started right here in Downtown Minneapolis at WCCO. 

Ali Lucia talks with Megan Miller, director of marketing for Opera Carolina, and Jessica Mae, founder and creative director for WarPaint International (3:20). WCCO This Morning - August 30, 2017
Elixery Cosmetics House Minneapolis

Lipstick by Elixery Cosmetics

All lipstick looks for Couture Fashion Week for Opera Recycles were done using Elixery Costmetics House from Minneapolis, MN

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Hair & Makeup Trend Collection: Fall/Winter 2017

This fall and winter season we are seeing the return of bold berry lips and jewel toned eyes. The colder months are a great time to experiment with your bold colors that you typically wouldn’t use in the spring or summer.

Fall/Winter Hair and Makeup Trends 

The Inspiration Behind the Makeup. 

This fall and winter season we are seeing the return of bold berry lips and jewel toned eyes. The colder months are a great time to experiment with your bold colors that you typically wouldn’t use in the spring or summer.

So if you haven’t yet, bust out that palette that you have not used and play around! Also this season we see the no-makeup makeup look sticking around. I personally love this as a soft everyday natural beauty look. You can easily amp the look up with a bold lip for a date night or after work events. Monochromatic looks are here to stay as well, this is a hot trend right now and easily achieved by anyone.

This fall and winter season we are seeing the return of bold berry lips and jewel toned eyes.
— Jessica Mae

Take a look behind the scenes at WarPaint International Beauty Agency's Hair and Makeup Trend Collections for Fall/Winter 2017. 

The inspiration behind the hair

WarPaint Director of Education, Katie Rote, designed the hair looks for this year's fall/winter trend collection. As a collective group, we took the approach of thinking about this fall/winter season as an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and to showcase some simple ideas that fire up your inner girl boss and self-confidence, regardless of your age or occasion. 

My Inspiration for the hair was to create looks that can give a complete change to the your appearance by creating faux bangs or adding embellished head bands or scarves.
— Katie Rote

With the holidays approaching, these are great styles that will have you standing out! They'll add elegance and sass to any party you may be attending without having to commit to a full hair change. Holiday festivities, here we come!

And the collection...

The Fall/Winter 2017 Hair and Makeup Trend Collection was curated and produced by WarPaint International Founder / Creative Director, Jessica Mae, WarPaint Director of Education, Katie Rote, WarPaint Market Manager, Mariah Jere, and WarPaint International Artist of the Year,  Claire Donnelly. WarPaint International hair and makeup trend collections are always desinged with useabilty and the everyday woman (or man) in mind. See the FULL TREND COLLECTION HERE

The Fall/Winter 2017 Trend Collection Team. From left to right: Makeup Assistant Artisan Claire, Makeup Assistant Artisan Mia, Hair Assistant Artisan Nicole, Hair Assistant Artisan Mariah, Creative Director Jessica Mae, Hair Assistant Arti…

The Fall/Winter 2017 Trend Collection Team. 
From left to right: Makeup Assistant Artisan Claire, Makeup Assistant Artisan Mia, Hair Assistant Artisan Nicole, Hair Assistant Artisan Mariah, Creative Director Jessica Mae, Hair Assistant Artisan Wendy, WarPaint Intern Debbie, Makeup Assistant Artisan Erin, & WarPaint Director of Education Katie Rote.

Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Director of Education, Katie Rote.

Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Director of Education, Katie Rote.


Photography: Chris McDuffie Photography
Video: Engle Videography
Creative Director: Jessica Mae
Artistic Director for Hair: Katie Rote

Assistant Artisans:
Mia Pietruszewski, Claire Donnelly, Nicole Hamer, Mariah Jere, Wendy Zarate, Erin Cooney, and WarPaint International intern Debbie Aderinkomi.

Ashley Lynn Graaf, Sam Drexler, Hillary Kline, Mariah Jere, Imana Raddatz, Grace Bernal, Kelly Rose Thorpe, & Marie Sheely.

Hair product used: Pureology Sulfate-Free Hair Products

Lipstick provided by Elixery Artisan Cosmetic House

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The Bride Experience: Behind The Scenes

The filming of "The Bride Experience" was so much fun and involved so many vendors that I thought sharing the making of the commercial with some behind the scenes footage would be fun to read. 

The Bride Experience Commercial

The filming of "The Bride Experience" was so much fun and involved so many vendors that I thought sharing the making of the commercial with behind the scenes footage and production notes would be fun to read. Join us on the journey of concepting, producing, and executing an entire day at The Van Dusen Mansion for "The Bride Experience". 

But first, let's start at the end and watch the final commercial...

What does the day of your wedding look like with WarPaint International? Take 2 minutes and see for yourself. 

The vision behind "The Bride Experience"

Everything starts with a vision. And when you're working with creative professionals that know what they're doing, sometimes your ideas can really come to life. We work with a professional videography company that shoots our seasonal Trend Collection, Holiday shoots and more, to concept, produce, and execute the stories that we want to tell. Take a look at these initial storyboards that eventually became the finished product you just watched above. 

The Production Schedule

7:00AM - Arrive at Van Dusen (bring in gear, get coffee/food table setup, start base makeup/hair for Robin) Katie & Naseem doing Tara’s makeup & hair.

The Van Dusen Mansion

The Van Dusen Mansion

7:15AM - Setup bedroom scene (block light from window, build camera)

Setting up the bedroom at Van Dusen Mansion

Setting up the bedroom at Van Dusen Mansion

7:30AM - Shoot bedroom wake-up scene

The bride's "wake up call".

The bride's "wake up call".

8:00AM - Setup room and film for Artisan Prep Scene.

Engle / Olson Videography
The Makeup room at Van Dusen Mansion

8:15AM - Film Artisan Prep Scene

8:30AM - Start filming hair and makeup (Tara + Katie & Naseem)

The men


- Film Erik + groomsmen getting ready

11:30AM - Film First Look // End Scene

Scene 2 The Booking Process

The booking process video. Watch how WarPaint International walks you through the bridal consultation process. 

Hear WarPaint Founder, Jessica Mae, and her right-hand lady Mariah, walk you through what the booking process looks like with WPI.

The dress, the ring, the flowers

The bride was drenched in luxury and beauty. The gown was provided Minneapolis bridal boutique, Posh Bridal Couture. The amazing flower bouquet was designed by Jessica Wonders Events & Floral. And lastly, our beautiful bride Tara, was outfitted in nearly $100,000 of breathtaking jewelers from a small, family owned jewelry shop in downtown Minneapolis called Gittelson Jewelers. 

The Models, Crew, Team, & Vendors

Vision/Producer: Jessica Mae | WarPaint International
Director/Videography: Gerick Engle | Engle Olson
Art Director/1st A.C.: Jenny Olson | Engle Olson
Location: Van Dusen Mansion

Wedding Consultant Team

Jenni Marko
Claire Donnelly
Erin Cooney
Kristina Johnsen
Amy Stenstrom

WPI Artisans

Naseem Rafiei | Makeup Artisan
Katie Rote | Hair Artisan & Director of Education
Mariah Jere | Market Manager & Artisan

The Cast

The Bride: Tara AnnMarie Thatcher
The Groom: Eirk Alan Thompson
Bridesmaids: Ashley Lynn Graaf, Justina Proue, & Kim Graaf
The Groomsmen: Sammy J Koza, Michael Gittelson, Ron "Maceo" Wright

The Vendors

The Bride's Dress: Posh Bridal Couturé
The Bride's Diamond & Jewelry: Gittelson Jewelers
Bowties/Neckties: Mill City Fineries
Bridesmaids Dresses: Flutter Boutique
Florals: Jessica Wonders Events
Wedding Party "getting ready" Robes: Oh Sugar Studio 
Hair/Makeup/Production: WarPaint International Beauty Agency (yours truly)

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5 easy steps for your 2017 Makeup Bag overhaul!

2017 is off and running - so it’s time to take a look at your makeup bag. Let’s toss the old, keep the new and upgrade our look this year; shall we? Here are 5 simple steps...

What's in Your Makeup Bag?

2017 is off and running - so it’s time to take a look at your makeup bag. Let’s toss the old, keep the new and upgrade our look this year; shall we? Here are 5 simple steps to help you declutter your makeup bag and discover a new and more fabulous you!

Step One: Take inventory of your makeup. When’s the last time you replaced your mascara? Have you been using the same blush for 3 years? Probably time to toss it and get a new one. Even for “solid” products bacteria builds up over time, so make sure you are adhering to the shelf life guidelines of the product.

Pro Tip: You can extend the life of solid products by sanitizing them from time to time. Make sure you use a 70% alcohol as opposed to 99%.



Step Two: Implement a brush washing routine. You really should wash your makeup brushes once a week. (Note: if you use a beauty blender or makeup sponge, those should be washed after each use!) DO NOT use rubbing alcohol or other soaps on your brushes. The bristles will become dry and brittle ruining your brush.

Make sure to use a gentle shampoo designed for makeup brushes. I really like the makeup brush shampoo from Sigma Beauty, as well as their brush cleaning mats & gloves. 

Image: Sigma Beauty

Image: Sigma Beauty

Step Three: Schedule a makeup lesson with a pro artist. Many artists, like those who work for my company, will come to your home for a personalized lesson. In addition to teaching you all that you want to know about applying makeup to yourself, they will take a look at your makeup bag and give you advice on additional products you should purchase. They will ask questions about your lifestyle and daily routine, to make sure they teach techniques that will be appropriate to the amount of time that you want to spend putting your paint on each day.

Photo Credit: Brio Art

Photo Credit: Brio Art

Skin Care is a must!

Step Four: We can’t have great makeup without great skin care. Go see an esthetician for a facial and chat with her or him about the current products you’re using. A solid skin care routine will make or break your makeup application. Trust me! Ps: We love Jill at Skin Savvy, tell her WarPaint sent you!

Step Five: Hit your local Sephora or cosmetics department. Try something new, I dare you! I’ve talked with many women who say they’ve always wanted to rock a red lip, or wear false lashes. DO IT! We only get one go around at this life - step out of the box a bit; you may find you like it. 

Photo Credit: Conner Bilt

Photo Credit: Conner Bilt

Following these easy steps will help you declutter your makeup bag. They will save you time and keep you looking and FEELING your very best! For an ultimate makeover, book a WarPaint International artisan for a makeup lesson - you won't regret it!


Jessica Mae
Founder & Creative Director

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Beauty, beauty blog, Beauty tips, Sleep Samuel Koza Beauty, beauty blog, Beauty tips, Sleep Samuel Koza

Top Tips to Help You Get Your Beauty Sleep

Beauty sleep is perhaps the single most important activity in your life. When you're well rested, you're mind, and hence your body, can function at very high levels. But getting there is severe challenge for society.

How Can I Fall Asleep Faster?

Many people suffer from an inability to fall asleep right away when they decide to shut down for the night. There are numerous factors that effect our sleep, including where we live, our diet, our habits, technology, our jobs and more.

Beauty sleep is perhaps the single most important activity in your life. When you're well rested your mind, and hence your body, can function at very high levels. But getting there is a severe challenge for society. A good night's rest can burn productive calories, clear up baggy eyes, heal muscle pains, lower stress and make us feel like a morning superman. But how can you achieve it?

Top tips to get your beauty sleep

Make Your Room A Sanctuary

Lighting. This is the first step. Comforting and restful lighting can be achieved through low-wattage lamps that you can place bedside. Lampshades should have soft, natural tones so they feel warm and relaxing. Windows also exude light at night unless you live in a sheltered area. Some people prefer blackout shades to sleep well, while other people may enjoy the gentle moonlight entering through a crack. This is entirely a personal preference. 

Beauty Sleep. The single most important activity of the day. 

Beauty Sleep. The single most important activity of the day. 

The truth is, only about half the world gets good rest and it's because they live in a lifestyle that doesn't offer all the distractions that countries like the United States do. We are a sleep-deprived society, which increases our risk to heart attack, stroke, disease and bad attitudes. Making your room a sanctuary is extremely important in today's age. For more advice on how to manage this, read How To Make Your Room A Sanctuary by The Front Roe.


Bed Time. Stick to a regular schedule 

"There is nothing worse than finally crawling into bed, feeling so tired that you swear you could sleep for a decade, only to find yourself physically unable to fall asleep. All day long, you looked forward to the moment you could head home and go to sleep, and now that you’re finally in bed with the lights off, you somehow can’t?"

By designing and keeping a bedtime and wake-up schedule, your body (and mind) will be better prepared to fall asleep, stay asleep and be refreshed the next day. Its very important to avoid varying your bedtime hours. Some of the top reason you can't sleep are:

  • You don't stick to a regular routine.
  • You exercise too late, or not at all.
  • You drank a glass of wine or other alcohol to "relax".
  • You nap too often.
  • You go to bed angry.
  • You use your bed for other things than sleep...
  • The temperature is too hot or cold.
  • You showered right before bedtime.
  • You worked until right before bedtime (BIG NO NO).
  • Your bed sucks and you need a new one.

If you want to know more, read "10 Reasons Why You Can't Fall Asleep by Byrdie"


Learn and Use Breathing Techniques 

Do you practice Yoga or some other physical discipline? Breathing is an important part of our body's health. Your sleep habits are no different. While it may take some getting used to, there's a three-step breathing technique that has been shown to be effective. It will take some practice and patience but you'll appreciate the results. This is also a great stress reliever when needed.

The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise by the Zoe Report

  1. Breathe in for four seconds.
  2. Hold breath for seven seconds.
  3. Slowly breathe out for eight seconds.


NO Technology

"You've heard it a million times, but for those of us who mindlessly surf Instagram or facebook while our heads are on the pillow, here's a million AND one: No screen time an hour before bed. Yes, that does mean your phone. Screens inhibit the production of melatonin, which naturally induces sleep. Your friends' reruns and the political banter on social media can wait until the next day if it doesn't interfere with the important stuff". - Byrdie

And for God's sake, remove the television from your bedroom that gets shut off at 3am when its snaps you out of a deprived sleep cycle. 

Technology can destroy our sleep patterns. Keep your phone and digital devices away from your bed or in another room.

Technology can destroy our sleep patterns. Keep your phone and digital devices away from your bed or in another room.

Make A Hot Drink

I'll know you'll be disappointed but we're not talking about hot toddies here. Many people struggle to fall asleep on a nightly basis. You'll be happy to know that some foods and drink can actually aid in this problem. Our bodies naturally respond to hot drinks late at night. Many people agree it's the warmth of the cup in your hands and liquid in your body that lull you to sleep, but there is some science behind it too. 

Chamomile tea has anti-anxiety effects and some research has shown that it will raise your glycine levels. Glycine is a natural sedative. 

If you're hungry, have some whole wheat bread or cereal. Whole wheat is known to begin the process of making melatonin, which helps you fall asleep. You want to avoid cereals with sugar of course. Turkey is also a great bedtime snack due it's very high levels of tryptophan. Insomniacs also often suffer due to low levels of magnesium. Eating fish before bed can provide those missing vitamins and help you conk out. 

Tips to help you get your beauty sleep

Is my sleep affected by where I live?

YES. As much as you may love the big city lights, you should move for many reasons. Mass populations are a by-product of poorly designed societies when it comes to health and happiness. They fuel poor human habits.

top tips to help you get beauty sleep

According to Dr. Lisa Wolfe of Northwestern Medicine and the Academy of Sleep Medicine, big cities like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and others are the primary cause of something that much of our society suffers from - environmental sleep disorderPlanes, trains, subways, sirens, people on the street, gunshots, motorcycles, and even low-level constant noise that you think you've tuned out over time are serious factors when it  comes to brain function, depression and advanced aging.

Big city living is also associated with much longer commute times to work which lead to longer days, anxiety and frustration. In cities like Chicago and New York, 200 - 300 hours per year can be spent on your commute. These cities, due to their responsive design, make it nearly impossible to come home during the day as well. So a regular sleep schedule, excercise and healthy eating are also common challenges. These problems can cause daytime sleepiness, mood swings and irritability. Over time it may result in severe sleep deprivation. Whether city dwellers want to admit it or not, this increases the risk of problems such as depression, poor job performance and overall aggressive personality traits. Some research also shows it's the driving factor behind divorce and relationship issues. We've all heard the saying that city people are single people... 

Urban areas also have some of the poorest air and water quality in the nation. Most city dwellers run very high risks to develop asthma, allergies, dry eye and even cancer. Their young children are almost certain to grow up developing these health problems. Creating an environment to successfully dominate life is hard enough, let alone mixing a cocktail of sleep depriving elements into your life. If you must live in a city, take careful measures to eat properly, stick to a regular sleep schedule, avoid tobacco and alcohol and exercise regularly, to offset the stress of living in populated areas.

The Nation's Fattest Cities

Junk food and poor health choices affect your sleep as much as every other topic we've covered here. Some foods are great for inducing sleep and promoting health, but some are just bad. No matter where you live in the United States, you have endless options to eat poorly - and eat poorly we do. 

The 3 fattest American cities

"Could where you live determine if you’re overweight, eating right or even getting enough rest? Check out the 3 fattest cities in the United States and how well their residents sleep, according to WalletHub.

  1. Memphis, TN – The homeland of Elvis, fried peanut butter sandwiches and BBQ, takes the throne for the fattest city. More than 30% of Memphis adults are considered obese and they have the highest number of “food deserts” (stores that don’t offer healthy or fresh food options).
    *** Memphis also ranks #2 for the sleepiest city.
  2. Shreveport, LA – The 3 rd largest city in Louisiana has loads more problems than being number 2 on this list. Shreveport also ranks in the 99th percentile of obesity, number 5 for diabetes and number 4 for high blood pressure.
    ***Shreveport also ranks #20 for the sleepiest city.
  3. Houston, TX – As the famous saying goes, everything’s bigger in Texas. With more than 100 days a year with temperatures over 100 F, residents seem to be opting to stay inside with the AC and binge on snacks and Netflix. Not surprisingly, Houston has 1,034 fast food restaurants, the highest in the nation.
    *** Houston also ranks #25 for the sleepiest city. 

The 5 fittest American cities – and maybe the most well-rested too!

"On the other side of the spectrum, you’ll find the fittest American cities. All 5 of these cities offer healthy food options, a variety of public transportation options and have easy access to parks and outdoor activities."

  1. Washington D.C. – also ranks #5 for best-rested city
  2. Minneapolis, MN – also ranks #6 for best-rested city
  3. Denver, CO – also ranks # 10 for best-rested city
  4. Portland, OR – also ranks #7 for best-rested city
  5. San Francisco, CA – also ranks #3 for best-rested city

For more information on the Fattest & Fittest cities, visit the original source article at

The moral of the story is that sleep is directly related to mental health, physical health, professional success and physical appearance. You can take steps in every facet of your life to control the quality of sleep that you are getting each night and during what hours you get it. From there, many other areas of your life will become easier to control. Oh... and you'll look AMAZING.

Sleep well my beauties. 

Ahhh... A great night's rest. 

Ahhh... A great night's rest. 

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Fall / Winter 2016 Hair & Makeup Trend Collection

New York Fashion Week 2016 will use a wide variety of looks from hoodies and comfortable trend wear, to fur and ruffles. We wanted to create a collection that lent itself to the diversity of textiles and movement in the apparel we will see. The trend and style driven person is perhaps not always looking for the hair and makeup to be the primary focus of their look.

Fall / Winter Hair and Makeup Trends

The Inspiration Behind the Makeup. 

"I created the makeup looks in this collection to be bold and rich with color while still maintaining simplicity. The Fall / Winter season is a cozy time of year and I wanted these looks to communicate that feeling and also make a statement of high fashion that is achievable to the everyday women. Makeup is sometimes something that is intimidating, especially when we talk about what is trending. I want this collection to say that being on trend can be easily achieved on your own or with your WarPaint International Artisan in your home".

I want this collection to say that being on trend can be easily achieved on your own or with your WarPaint International Artisan in your home.
— Jessica Mae

Behind the scenes with Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Artistic Director, Benjamin Rodich at the 2016 Fall / Winter Hair & Makeup Trend Collection from WarPaint International Beauty Agency | Engle Videography.

The Trend Collection Images

As mentioned, the Fall / Winter season is a cozy time of year. Makeup trends for this 2016 season will definitely emulate that. In this collection we see a lot of bold and rich berry lip colors paired with a simple eye. We will also see a lot of warm and cozy colors paired with rich or warm lip colors. Fall is my favorite season of them all. I love the smells, the colors and the warm cozy feeling of the season. I wanted to bring that out in the entire collection but particularly with our model Katie Lietz. I designed a pumpkin spice smokey eye for her with some dramatic wispy lashes and a warm nude lip in the color Jamie from Elixery. This lip color was exclusively designed by Elixery for Jamie Yuccas; national correspondent for CBS news in New York City. ~ Creative Director, Jessica Mae.

We brought a male into the collection this season. He has transitioned the highly coveted man bun into a soft and textured style. Draping naturally, shine and control was achieved by using Cotton Uzu and Sheer Lacquer from Shu Uemura. The model's hair moved with him as he did.  

Our Bride (seen above in Justina) was a stunning combination of both thread like cushions of hair and beautifully swept back sections that were draped to create an effortless yet elegant look. A textured french twist was adorned by a magnificent bridal comb provided by Posh Bridal Couture. This stunning piece of art made this go from red carpet to white dress.  

We’ve recently seen vintage makeup and hair styles come back, which has been exciting for me because I love the 1920’s and pin up era of makeup. In this year's Fall / Winter collection we showcased an Old Hollywood Glam / Marilyn Monroe inspired makeup look. I love the bright red lip and the dramatic winged eye liner. This look is the definition of classic american beauty.

With any trend that you are showcasing and making your own, it is important to remember to choose a focal point that you want your makeup to enhance. For example if you do a dramatic deep berry lip color keep your eyes lighter and vice versa. Not only does this year’s Fall / Winter collection showcase bold and beautiful colors, it defines natural beauty and has taken a stand against the “trends” on Instagram. There is no harsh contouring, and we certainly don’t use flour to set our makeup looks!”

The Inspiration Behind the Hair

"I designed the hair looks in this collection to be accessible and interesting. While many of us can do these styles at home ourselves, I carefully train my team of hair artisans to consider different approaches to achieving these beautiful looks. When you use the proper product and the right tools, your look will last longer, feel better, and be so much more fun to create. All of these looks can be worn for more than just one evening with just a little light refreshing the next day. 

This collection showed the individuality and identity that we all uniquely have when it comes to our hair. Each look was tailored for the women who wore it. The textures in this collection were inspired by fabric textiles. Our Signature night on the town blowout was an explosion of volume. Texture was buoyant and frothy; each curl had its own destiny and place in the world. I wanted to show a woman who is fearless with her style - this is a “say something hair style.”  She will be noticed. I also am obsessed with the “Ballerina Bun”. This look was inspired by second day hair. Sometimes we can use the oils from the day before to create a high shine and sophisticated “bun” that is tightly wound and wrapped around itself over and over again. Using a Mason Pearson brush, we were able to place each hair in its place and secure a power knot that is sure to not be confused as the daily worn top knot. Its texture is smooth and satin like. She is running late and had no time to wash after yoga.  

I also showed a vintage and Marilyn / Hollywood Glam look (seen below with Kaitlin Rose). I love to do vintage styling on bleached blondes. Their hair tends to hold an “S Shape” quite well and it always is brought to the top with that classic red lip. At WarPaint International we LOVE this look.  It is sure to turn heads everywhere!

Ultimately, on-set, I create my interpretation of what I see on the streets of my city and cities I travel, and produce a look that I am proud to train my team in and offer our clients." ~ Artistic Director, Benjamin Rodich

I LOVE HATS! I was so excited to show a look where a hat is worn. I think that a soft knit hat can turn half curled and “un-done” hair into a trendy street-chic masterpiece. I cut the bangs just slightly so that pieces of the bangs came out in random places along the front of the hat. She was styled with a pair of earrings that normally would compliment an evening look. I think that wearing high end jewelry with a casual outfit is so chic and totally cool. Two of the looks showed softer waves that were dehydrated and untamed. I love the role that static can play on hair in some cases. The fly-aways from the hair are embraced and used to create a very authentic example of the “cool girl” beach waves. The more elegant look work by Katie L, is a brushed out version of the same soft waves, however we used Essence Absolue from Shu Uemura to give this look a glossy and high shine finish.  Perfect for anything from work to happy hour, or a date night.  

I LOVE HATS! I was so excited to show a look where a hat is worn.
— Benjamin Rodich

The Inspiration

New York Fashion Week 2016 will use a wide variety of looks from hoodies and comfortable trend wear, to fur and ruffles. We wanted to create a collection that lent itself to the diversity of textiles and movement in the apparel we will see. The trend and style driven person is perhaps not always looking for the hair and makeup to be the primary focus of their look. The creative direction team at WarPaint International values the natural beauty of our guests at the highest level; the looks that our artisans create will always take into consideration the overall look including clothing.  

Aristotle once said “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”, which could not be more relevant when concepting beauty trends. Each aspect of a total look has to be tailored strategically to honor and celebrate its companion accessory whether it be hair, makeup, a hand-bag, shoes, or even a scarf.  Each play a vital role in the outcome becoming a “total look” that is one to gaze upon and appreciate.  

Its thrilling to see designers taking a huge risk this coming fall and winter with their collections.  From the floral prints we are all loving again to the stunning sequins gowns - It is such a whimsical and fairy tale look into the minds of these talented people. The looks in our Trend Collection are so versatile. With the switch of a lip color or a brushing of the hair, your look can be transformed from day to night.  Fashion needs to be durable and worthy of a night on the town and so should hair and makeup. We are inspired by what we see right now. 

The FW 2016 Hair & Makeup Trend Collection was concepted and produced by WarPaint International Founder / Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Artistic Director for Hair, Benjamin Rodich. This trend shoot (as always) was designed for the natural woman (or man) to envision herself emanating wearable beauty. See the FULL TREND COLLECTION HERE

The FW 2016 Trend Collection Team. From left to right: Hair Assistant Artisan Heidi, Makeup Assistant Artisan Malee, Hair Assistant Artisan Kristina, Artistic Director Benjamin Rodich, Creative Director Jessica Mae, Hair Assistant Art…

The FW 2016 Trend Collection Team. 
From left to right: Hair Assistant Artisan Heidi, Makeup Assistant Artisan Malee, Hair Assistant Artisan Kristina, Artistic Director Benjamin Rodich, Creative Director Jessica Mae, Hair Assistant Artisan Katie, Makeup Assistant Artisan Priscilla (NYC), Makeup Assistant Artisan Alison Joy.

Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Artistic Director, Benjamin Rodich.

Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Artistic Director, Benjamin Rodich.


Photography: Chris McDuffie Photography
Video: Engle Videography
Creative Director: Jessica Mae
Artistic Director for Hair: Benjamin Rodich

Assistant Artisans:
Malee Vang Xiong, Kristina Johnson, Prisciclla Santiago, Heidi Knoke, Alison Joy, Katie Rote

Ashley Graaf, Justina Proue, Katie O'Neill, Eric Mischke, Katie Lietz, Kaitlin Rose, Michelle Amries & Tyler Bakken

Hair Product Sponsor: Shu Uemura

Accessories provided by: Posh Bridal Couture

Lipstick Exclusively designed for WarPaint International by Elixery Artisan Cosmetic House

UPDATE 09/19/2016. Featured On WCCO | CBS Local. 

Jessica Mae and Benjamin Rodich from WarPaint International share makeup and hair trends for the fall, Ali Lucia reports (5:53). WCCO This Morning - Sept. 19, 2016
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Lacuna Coil's, Cristina Scabbia talks about Beauty - Inside and Out.

WarPaint International Beauty Agency's Founder & Creative Director, Jessica Mae, sits down for a heart-to-heart about inner and outer beauty, with Rock Goddess, Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil

Interview with Cristina Scabbia

WarPaint International Beauty Agency's Founder & Creative Director, Jessica Mae, sits down for a heart-to-heart about inner and outer beauty, with Rock Goddess, Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil

When you believe in who you are and who you represent, and look at yourself in the mirror... and you’re proud of yourself - you can only irradiate magnetic energy around you.
— Cristina Scabbia
Image courtesy of Century Media: Loudwire

Image courtesy of Century Media: Loudwire

The beauty industry is nearing the $500 billion mark and proving to be a creative outlet for professionals, hobbyists, women and men. With the number of cosmetic companies and beauty brands that have niched their way into the drawers and cases of beauty fanatics, its no wonder that actors, musicians and creatives of all types rely heavily on their go-to products. 

But what exactly does "Beauty" mean? The latest Makeup trends on Instagram may have you thinking that tiger stripes and heavy contouring are how normal women are supposed to look. Jessica Mae's chat with Cristina Scabbia reveals a little bit of insight to her go-to products and perspective on beauty, but also.. what beauty really means to Cristina Scabbia. 

Interview - The Deep Stuff

Jessica Mae: 
You’ve spoken quite a bit over the years about not depriving yourself from the sexy element of being a beautiful woman inside an industry and genre that is largely dominated by men. Can you describe your thoughts on how beauty is perceived in the metal / rock industry and how your personal style works to combat people’s perceptions of what beauty really is?

Back when I started, there were not so many metal bands with a female in the line up. So I guess I developed during that year, a sort of “I don’t care what you think” attitude, as I don’t really see myself as the different element in the band. I look at myself as a singer and performer. 

That said, I like my femininity as an individual and I am proud to be a woman. So even if I am also “one of the guys” I still love to play with my hair and make up and wear a tight dress with killer heels.

Now things are even more mixed up and some guys are wearing more makeup and hairspray than women usually do so the game has changed :) Whenever a look works very well and can be loved by many, there is also that other part of the crowd that will keep and extra eye on you and judge whatever you wear or how you look “just ‘cause”. It's part of the game and I love that , it keeps it exciting :)

This is also why I’ve never tried to fight against whoever had pre-conceptions about females in a rock metal world…because it would be useless. And in the end, everyone chooses their own idea of what beauty is, and it is impossible to make everybody happy.

Jessica Mae:
How does femininity play into your role in Lacuna coil? What elements do you work hard at to ensure that you remain “Cristina" at your core?

Honestly I would not know, as I don’t think about it at all! I think there is a special sparkle from inside that tells you what to do in every situation, may it be in a live show, in a photoshoot or in a regular day out. The most important thing for me (and the most natural) is to be myself, whatever happens and whatever the situation is. That includes taking public photos with no makeup on… or being super dressed with makeup on. This is even if I am alone at home, ahaha!

Jessica Mae:
Can you talk a little bit about some of the criticisms you’ve faced from a beauty perspective inside the metal music scene?

Well, women in the business are in a position of being more easily accused of abusing their “sexuality” in photoshoots and live shoots: some people might think they try to sell themselves out. All the while, no one says anything if a guy sweats with no shirt on… :-)

I don’t tend to show too much, but only because i like to feel comfy and I'm more of a tomboy. But I think that all the other women should be free to do whatever they want on stage and wear whatever they want (or go naked if they like) as long as THEY are the ones who chose the way they dress. 

Jessica Mae:
You are a big advocate of inner beauty. In a world that is mostly material and driven by sex-appeal marketing, can you talk about what’s below the surface for Cristina Scabbia? - What does inner beauty mean to you? 

In one word I would probably say... CONFIDENCE

I know that's a word that’s maybe been a little trite or abused. but it’s so perfect in the end. When you believe in who you are and who you represent and look at yourself in the mirror and you’re proud of yourself, you can only irradiate  magnetic energy around you.

Jessica Mae:
What defines the beauty of a woman? 

Some women have that special “glow” that everyone else is amazed by. It might be the light in the eyes, some gestures, a special way of walking… Beauty in general is such a complex thing to define. A person can have nearly perfect facial features and the perfect body (in terms of a generic aesthetic idea) but then they might not be attractive anyway. Weird, uh?

Jessica Mae:
If you were to sit with a group of young women that struggled with self-confidence and inner beauty, what tips or piece of advice would you give them? What should they walk away with? What would they learn from Cristina Scabbia?

I would say this. You think you are not beautiful because you are hypnotized by media bombarding you with the ideals of the “perfect woman”. But if you pay more attention to how many women are completely far from that ideal, do you still consider yourself very beautiful and attractive?

Looks are very standardized these days but true beauty really comes from within. We are ALL different and unique, there is none in the world just like us. We are not even a limited edition so-to-speak - we are all one-of-a-kind… yet we don’t always appreciate that.

Jessica Mae:
Speaking of self-confidence, inner beauty is often driven by one’s ability to see their own glow and special light in the world. What words of wisdom do you have about self-confidence, when we’re often surrounded by people trying to take that away from us.

I would be a hypocrite if I would simply say to someone else: “believe in yourself, you can do it!”. 

Obviously I strongly believe that the more I believe in myself, the more I am driven and the more I feel comfortable with my reflection in the mirror. But I also have some days when I feel that I look like shit no matter what makeup I have on, whatever dress I am wearing. Its then that I realize that 99% of the time its not even about my look, it is not about how people really see me… but is about ME, judging myself on a deeper level because I am usually bothered about something else.

Did you notice that when you feel very happy you pretty much feel you look fantastic even with no makeup and a cheap shirt on?

Jessica Mae:
Can you describe your journey briefly, growing up as a Creative, an Entrepreneur and a female business owner. Is there anything you wish you could have done differently? How have your biggest challenges related to being female?

Woah... long story short (we are talking about almost 20 years in Lacuna coil), I started to sing in Lacuna coil in 1996, when there were definitely not so many bands with a female in the line up. Weird thing is, I have never felt like the different element and never felt I had to work more because I was a female. I looked at myself as another member in the band.

Of course I had to go through stages like “hey, I might be slightly pretty but I can actually sing as well!” to convince a still very conservative slice of metal fans that there was space for women in metal. I am very happy that things changed though, and there are now more women in bands of all genres. I am also proud of the fact that I am still here and others are looking at me as an example to follow. I am honored. 

As per my career, I took care of my singing (writing lyrics and creating vocal lines) and also my looks from day one. I adopted some in the past that were not exactly great, especially in the first years (I still remember a blue short velvet dress with very puffy eyes, tons of make up and fake long nails) but I also came out of it with great ones that fans are still remembering. In the beginning, I experimented a lot and it was my attempt on searching for the perfect look and I quickly realized, changing and playing with my image, that the best solution was to wear a style of clothes that was… me.

Jessica Mae:
You were quoted once saying, "No matter what, be strong, because the message that people will get is from your strength. There is not just one kind of beauty in this world." Can you describe the time or moment when you turned the page and understood what that strength and inner beauty looked like for you?

It is weird because some people think I am, but I never really looked at me as a beautiful woman. I still consider myself as a very normal (at least aesthetically) woman that learned to improve some things on her look.

I think strength is when you don’t feel the most perfect person in the world but it is when you can accept your flaws as well, and make them your best quality.

The Fun Stuff: On The Surface

Jessica Mae:
We know that understanding what is inside, is the driving force behind one’s beauty, but we still like to “look” beautiful and feel sexy too. What are the top 3 things that you do to create your radiant look or sex appeal?

My “raccoon eyes” signature look. My eyes are kind of small so I started to enhance them years ago with lots of black matte eyeshadow that was reminiscent of “smokey eye” look, but was also covering all the lower part of the eye. So I feel good when I have this look on!

Whenever I want to feel really sexy I put on a mini-dress and very high heels. I don’t wear them often (my friends are always telling me I have to show them more, ahaha!) as I feel uncomfortable to show my legs. I prefer leggings and biker boots but I have lots of high heel shoes at home (I love to own them but don’t wear them often… weirdo). So I put them to use every once in a while.

I also have a weird passion for fake fur jackets especially when they are super puffy - funny (with ears for example) and with strange colors. I know it sounds silly but I feel so comfortable that some people say my face kind of changes too and is more relaxed. Eeeeeh!! I am strange, I know.

Jessica Mae:
What is your favorite shade of lipstick right now?

Redrum by Jeffree Star cosmetics. Awesome shade of red.

Jessica Mae:
If you had to choose one beauty product that is your favorite, what would it be??

The Beauty blender, it changed my whole makeup universe!!!!
(Check out this link for some great tips on
how to clean the beauty blender)

Jessica Mae:
Your eyeliner is always so rich in color. What brand do you like to use?

The Kat Von D one (tattoo liner in shade Trooper), is pretty cool!

Jessica Mae:
What is your favorite brand of makeup and/or beauty products?

Anastasia Beverly Hills, Becca, Bare Minerals, Kat Von D, Urban Decay, Benefits, Jeffree star, Beauty Blender.

Jessica Mae:
And I think everybody probably wants to know... how long does it take you to get ready before a show?

Not much!! I don’t spend a lot of time putting makeup on, definitely waaaaay under half an hour. And in the case of need, a few minutes at best :-)

The Wrap Up

There you have it! Some thoughts on the meaning of beauty and few personal indulgences from Cristina Scabbia. Not only am I a huge personal fan of Cristina and her success with Lacuna Coil, I truly believe she lives in my own beliefs that our company wears proudly on their backs. Life is a Stage "Prepare For Battle".

Cristina Scabbia | Lacuna Coil & Jessica Mae | WarPaint International Beauty Agency.

Cristina Scabbia | Lacuna Coil & Jessica Mae | WarPaint International Beauty Agency.

Lacuna Coil: The House of Shame.

You can hear Cristina's heavenly voice against the metal grit of Andrea Ferro and the powerful Maki bass line, in this new single. Check it out!!

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SS 2016 Hair & Makeup Trend Collection

From Minneapolis, to Manhattan, to Los Angeles. "Say goodbye to the Instagram trends of heavy “tiger” contouring and harsh brows". The Spring / Summer 2016 hair and makeup trends resonate "natural and beautiful" with this powerful trend collection.

Spring / Summer Hair and Makeup Trends

From Minneapolis, to Manhattan, to Los Angeles. The Spring / Summer 2016 hair and makeup trends, resonate "natural and beautiful" with this powerful trend collection. This year, the SS 2016 Trend Collection is about bringing back the raw and natural beauty of a woman. This collection communicates happiness, innocence and confidence, like a fresh spring morning. 

This a new, calm beginning.

Say goodbye to the Instagram trends of heavy ‘tiger’ contouring and harsh brows
— Jessica Mae

Behind the Scenes with Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Artistic Director, Benjamin Rodich at the 2016 Spring / Summer Trend Collection from WarPaint International Beauty Agency | Engle Videography.

The Trend Collection Images

The hair in this SS 2016 Trend Collection resembles an un-styled, un-dressed woman - imperfect curls, with a few fly-aways. The hair in these looks showcase a raw, natural form of beauty. The skin is clean, simple and beautiful. Some of these looks showcase a nude palette with earthy tones and some are a bit bold by showcasing a pop of color (blue is the hottest SS 2016 trend this season!)

The Spring / Summer 2016 Trend Collection Video

The 2016 Spring / Summer Trend Collection from WarPaint International Beauty Agency | Engle Videography.


The inspiration for this shoot was the product of a team think tank surrounding the current beauty trends vs. the normal, everyday woman. The ideas that inspired this shoot are:

  • Natural clean skin
  • NO contouring
  • Light and airy
  • Un-dressed / nude
  • Perfect imperfection
  • Pops of color
  • Rose gold, earthy tones, coral, poppy, pinks and un-seen blush
  • Raw textures
  • Confident, cool, strong & natural

The SS 2016 Hair & Makeup Trend Collection was concepted and produced by WarPaint International Founder / Creative Director, Jessica Mae & Artistic Director for Hair, Benjamin Rodich. This trend shoot was designed for the natural woman to envision herself emanating wearable beauty. See the FULL TREND COLLECTION

The SS 2016 Trend Collection Team. From left to right: Hair Assistant Artisan Katie, Artistic Director Benjamin Rodich, Creative Director Jessica Mae, Makeup Assistant Artisan Naseem, Makeup Assistant Artisan Anna, Makeup Assistant Artisan Ambe…

The SS 2016 Trend Collection Team. 
From left to right: Hair Assistant Artisan Katie, Artistic Director Benjamin Rodich, Creative Director Jessica Mae, Makeup Assistant Artisan Naseem, Makeup Assistant Artisan Anna, Makeup Assistant Artisan Amber, Hair Assistant Artisan Heidi, Hair Assistant Artisan Taylor.


Photography: Chris McDuffie Photography
Video: Engle Videography
Creative Director: Jessica Mae
Artistic Director for Hair: Benjamin Rodich

Assistant Artisans:
Anna Giuliano, Amber Peterson, Naseem Rafiei, Heidi Knoke, Tayler Camas, Katie Rote

Alexis Good, Chelsea Lawrence, Cassandra Clausen, Eka Eyoh, Ashley Graaf, Justina Proue, Vanessa Berrueta, Alexa Dronen

Hair Product Sponsor: Shu Uemura

Makeup/Foundation Sponsor: Keromask USA

UPDATE 04/25/2016. Featured on WCCO | CBS Local. 

Jessica Mae, founder of WarPaint International, dishes on the latest trends in makeup for spring 2016, Ali Lucia reports (6:17). WCCO This Morning - April 25, 2016
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A Modern Celtic Wedding Inspiration

Old World Celtic tradition meets modern style and multi-cultural celebration. 

Old World Celtic tradition meets modern style and multi-cultural celebration. 

Celtic Wedding Inspiration

From WarPaint International -- This inspirational shoot took place in New Richmond, Wisconsin at a 100+ year old, little unknown gem called The Greenfield Barn. This beautifully aged space stays true to its form with vintage hardwood floors, open doorways and windows and a historic rustic charm. The Greenfield Barn has been carefully preserved to offer nostalgia and simplicity to old fashioned wedding goers. Positioned as the center point amongst rolling acres of “Highland-like” scenery, we could find no better place in the midwest to produce this inspirational shoot with The Celtic Croft. ~ Jessica Mae

Celtic Wedding Makeup & Hair

From The Celtic Croft -- As one of the world’s largest online retailers of Scottish and Celtic apparel, we naturally receive regular rental requests for traditional and ancient celtic-wear for weddings all over the nation. In this inspirational shoot we’ve highlighted some ways to preserve the traditional aspects of a Celtic ceremony in the midst of a modern, multi-cultural family celebrating their heritage. Traditional Celtic weddings in the United States are often performed for brides and grooms with distant Celtic ties whom prefer to celebrate life with a touch of highland charm. 

Modern Scottish & Celtic Weddings

The Groom & Groomsman

The groom and groomsman all wore traditional Prince Charlie jackets and vests that are made in Scotland from 100% pure new wool Barathea. The Prince Charlie, more formal than the Argyle jacket, is essentially the Scottish dress equivalent of a tuxedo. The gentlemen also sported traditional kilts in a beautiful Baird Ancient pattern, and were fully accessorized with wingtip kilt shirt bowties, cufflinks, shirt studs, Kilt belt and buckles, Sporrans, Kilt hose, pins, flashes and Sgian Dubh. The ensemble is completed with traditional Ghillie Brogues and laces.

The Decor & Theme.

Our bustling floral arrangements (by M Flower Studio), the grooms boutonnière, the brides bouquet and flower circlet were all filled with festive fir spruce, an assortment of flowers and prairie grass, harmoniously matching our Baird Ancient Tartan. This traditional, formal Celtic theme ran strong throughout our inspirational shoot with the addition of hand made, custom stationary (by J.B. Originals), a simple elegant 4-tiered cake (by Amy’s Cupcake Shoppe), and the intoxicating sounds of traditional Celtic bagpipes (by Emilio Munoz; American Heritage Pipes & Drums). 

The Bride

Our bride wore two fairytale inspired gowns (by Posh Bridal Couture), accentuating traditional simplicity. She was beautifully adorned with both floral and metal circlet ceremonial head dress pieces and a hand crafted lace necklace. Her hair and makeup was creatively designed to capture the essence of rustic and natural beauty. 

The Backdrop

A renaissance back drop and glass mason jars set the stage for hand-crafted rum, vodka and tartan branded gin (by Norseman Small Batch Distillery), for rejoice and celebration.

The Wedding

The wedding party combined heritage from around the world, with an emphasis on bringing ancient Celtic traditions into modern marriage ceremonies. 

Behind the Scenes Videos


Hard work and credit owed to:

Commercial Stylized Shoots

  • professional models.
  • hair & makeup artistry concepts.
  • venue procurement.
  • hand selected photographers to match your specific project. 
  • hand selected videographers to match your specific project.
  • accessory and vendor sourcing
  • professional wardrobe, real estate, brand and automobile styling.
  • theme & concept design. 
  • project management. 
  • production & execution.

Team photo at The Greenfield Barn in Richmond Wisconsin.

Team photo at The Greenfield Barn in Richmond Wisconsin.

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The Perfect Soft Waves.

On a daily basis, my guests ask me for very natural looking hair.  At first, my response was“ Is my blowout loosing its touch?” In response, the guest applauded the effort and skill taken to create the perfect red carpet style.

How to Achieve the Perfect Soft Waves.

From the Director's Chair.

Benjamin Rodich. National Artistic Director for Hair. WarPaint International Beauty Agency.

Benjamin Rodich. National Artistic Director for Hair. WarPaint International Beauty Agency.

While heading to work on a daily basis, I am fortunate to see the streets of my hometown Minneapolis, MN filled with inspiration for the day I am about to begin.  In what used to be a sea of perfect blowouts and coiffed bobs, I am now taken to a fantasy like place where “ethereal” is the only way to describe what is around me. Perfection is imperfect, it limits.  A writer once said, “I believe in a world of opposites.”  What we called “Messy Hair” or “Beach Hair”, has now turned into gentle patterns of texture; so delicate and childlike. 

On a daily basis, my guests ask me for very natural looking hair.  At first, my response was  “ Is my blowout loosing its touch?” In response, the guest applauded the effort and skill taken to create the perfect red carpet style. “Today Benjamin, I want to reflect the me that I will be today, and I look forward to the "Night on the Town" blow dry that I have come to know and love.” With that said, I racked my brain for a way to offer my ladies an effortless look, that had a step-by-step method that could give them this natural, and sexy look.  This journey took some time for me to polish; not perfect.  Perfection is an end.  A limit.

Today I offer you a detailed suggestion on how to create these soft waves in 2 different ways.


Soft Waves with Heat.

Photo Credit: Cara McLeay. A Fashion Love Affair.

Photo Credit: Cara McLeay. A Fashion Love Affair.

Step One. Wash and condition hair thoroughly. Towel dry.

Step Two. Apply a heat protectant that will offer you a matte and dry finish. I recommend using Ciment Thermique from Kérastase.  Apply this product in a quarter size amount from root to tip.

Step Three.  Apply Mousse Bouffante from Kérastase using the applicator tip and applying directly to hair, starting at one inch from root.  Make four lines of mousse going all the way to the end of your hair. Lightly rake the product into your hair until it all has disappeared. You will do this to both sides and the back of your head.

Step Four. Blow-dry using low velocity and high heat; downward with the grain of the hair.  Continue until hair is 60-70% dry. 

Step Five.  Spray 2-3 pumps of Spray Á Porter from Kérastase in each section that you applied the mousse.  You will apply this primarily from roughly 2-3 inches from root to the ends of hair.  (Note, if you have very dense hair, sections can be split in half so product is applied evenly.) You will begin to feel some tug as this product gives the hair some grit, like it has been dusted with fine sand.

See note below before beginning Step Six.

Step Six. Once hair is dry, use a curling wand or 1 inch curling iron on high heat and take 2-inch sections and wrap hair around the iron, leaving the last ½ inch that is left non-heated.

NOTE:  With natural wavy hair, skip step six and apply a quarter size of Cotton Uzu from Shu Uemura to all hair. Twist and massage each section and lightly spray with Laque Dentelle from Kérastase.  Your result should be gauzy and airy waves. 

For straight hair, after curling, follow the above instructions using Cotton Uzu from Shu Uemura  and Laque Dentelle from Kérastase.

Soft Waves with No Heat:

Step One. Wash and condition your hair thoroughly, using sulfate free shampoo and conditioner.

Step Two. Apply Mousse Bouffant from Kérastase, using the applicator tip and applying directly to your hair, starting at one inch from root. Make four lines of mousse going all the way to the end of your hair. Lightly rake into your hair until it all has disappeared.

Step Three. Spray 2-3 pumps of Spray Á Porter from Kérastase in each section that you applied the mousse. You will apply this primarily from roughly 2-3 inches from the root to the ends of your hair. (Note, if you have very dense hair, sections can be split in half so product is applied evenly). You will begin to feel some tug as this product gives the hair some grit like it has been dusted with fine sand.

Step Four. You may braid this in two braids and then sleep on it. If you do, in the morning, remove the braid and rake your fingers through the hair. If you desire more smoothness, apply a small amount of Touché Perfection from Kérastase to the mids and ends of your hair.

If you wish to do this in the morning, AFTER Spray Á Porter is applied, twist small sections of the hair all over the head and continue to twist until your hair is almost dry (this may take a few hours).

"I believe in a world of opposites"

Soft Waves: The perfect statement of effortless glamour. Get the look with Spray A Porter.

Soft Waves: The perfect statement of effortless glamour. Get the look with Spray A Porter.

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