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Beauty tips

5 Essential Products for Makeup Beginners


5 Essential Products for Makeup Beginners

Whether you’ve just entered the world of beauty products or you’re looking to brush up on your makeup skills, knowing what to include in your essentials kit is the first step in becoming a makeup pro. Once you have the basics sorted, you can move on to finding more unique variations of your favorite makeup and create your own style.


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2019 Makeup Trends


2019 Makeup Trends

Keep an open mind and know that trends aren’t for everyone. I’m a huge proponent to taking something mainstream and making it your own, so as you read through these trends think about fun ways to incorporate them that is authentic to who YOU are.


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4 Makeup Tips for Mature Women


4 Makeup Tips for Mature Women

Just because you are aging doesn’t mean that you can’t look beautiful anymore! Yes! Still, there’s a lot of chances to look pretty enough even if you are having strands of grey hair on your head or unattractive marks and wrinkles on your face. You just need to remember that the makeup rules which you lived by in your 20s or 30s don’t apply anymore. Instead, plump up your skin with these exclusive makeup tips!! Read on and enlighten yourself with these magic tricks.


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Makeup Secrets Of Serena Williams


Makeup Secrets Of Serena Williams

It never hurts to look to popular celebrities for makeup and beauty inspiration, and in this brief post, we’re going to take a look at the soon-to-be most radiant mother in the sports world. Serena Williams is currently missing the U.S. Open expecting the birth of her first child. In fact, as of the time of this writing, she’s in labor! But last we saw her she looked as stylish and beautiful as ever. 


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The Importance of a Beauty Contract for your Wedding Day


The Importance of a Beauty Contract for your Wedding Day

You're getting married, planning and decisions galore! Not to mention the countless options that are out there for every vendor you could ever want or need. Selecting the perfect professional takes research, due diligence and time. When you find that person or company that you click with, and you feel confident in them, is important to solidify the relationship with a legal agreement or contract. It is equally important as a professional to secure a client relationship through a contract. 


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