Beauty Rituals for the Holiday Season: What You Need to Know

The holiday season has finally arrived and while this time does bring fun seasonal festivities and yearly celebrations, it also brings many of us stress, which can wreak havoc on our skin and hair. Luckily, holiday stress can easily be prevented or managed with the help of some self-care practices!

Rather than solely dedicating this season to giving back to others, devote more of your time and energy to giving back to yourself. Wrapping your presents and preparing your holiday food shouldn’t take priority over your “me-time” as this is necessary for restoring your body from the inside out and relieving stress. So, don’t forget to make time for yourself.

To show yourself the self-appreciation you deserve, try following these beauty rituals throughout the holidays and sleigh your skincare this season!

1) Start Using an Acne Cream

When you think of the holidays, one of your first thoughts probably relates to warm baked goods and delicious homemade meals. Because of all the yumminess, it can be challenging to pass down the sweet treats and fatty foods, causing many people to overindulge and stress-eat.

While chocolate chip cookies and buttery mashed potatoes are great comfort foods, the high levels of sugar and salt can be disastrous on your skin. Consuming too much of these ingredients can send your sebaceous glands into overdrive, meaning your body produces more oil. This can commonly lead to poor skin health as it tends to cause clogged pores and acne breakouts. For this reason, it’s a good idea to start using an acne treatment now before the holiday season truly kicks off! Like the majority of the skincare products on the market, acne treatments typically require consistent usage before visible results will begin to appear. That being said, the sooner you start using an acne treatment cream, the better off you’ll be throughout the holiday season.

2) Switch to Thicker Formulated Products

For the majority of us, the transition into the holiday season is also the transition into colder temperatures and lower humidity levels. Because of the changes in environmental conditions, it’s normal for your skin to become more sensitive or dry. As a result, you're more likely to notice redness, flakiness, and other differences in the texture of your complexion.

Walking in a winter wonderland is all fun and games until your skin becomes affected. Don’t weaken your moisture barrier throughout the holiday season by using the same skincare products you would in the summer as this can further heighten the sensitivity of your skin. Instead, switch to thicker formulated skincare products as you head into the holiday season. Swapping out your harsh cleanser for a more gentle wash or switching from a lightweight face lotion to a heavier moisturizer are just a few ways you can incorporate thicker formulated skincare products into your current beauty routine. Making these small adjustments will help to ensure your skin is better equipped to handle the cold weather brought on by the holiday season, so don't be fooled by its simplicity.

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3) Wash Your Hair Less Often

Although warming up your body with a nice, long hot shower is a great solution for dealing with those really cold days throughout the winter season, it’s not a good way to keep your hair and scalp healthy during this time. It’s one thing to take a hot shower every now and then, but doing so excessively— especially during the winter months— can be too harsh on your hair and scalp, causing dryness and irritation to occur. 

To prevent this from happening, remember to take lukewarm showers. As tempting as it may be to bathe in piping hot temperatures, showering in lukewarm water is much safer for your skin and hair. At a minimum, try to at least change the water to a colder temperature for the last minute or two you're in the shower. That way your skin has a chance to recover and cool down before you dry off. Additionally, try to wash your hair less often by using a shower cap throughout the holiday season. Washing your hair too often can increase your likelihood of a flakey scalp, so you may want to consider adding a dry shampoo to your winter hair care routine.

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